Do come along and join us for our annual Summer Fair on Saturday 6th July from 12 noon - 3pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

STARS (Support Team for Abbots Ripton School)

S.T.A.R.S (Support Team for Abbots Ripton School) is the PTA for Abbots Ripton C of E Primary School.  All parents are automatically members. We support the school by raising funds for projects, equipment and extra opportunities that enhance the learning environment for all of our children.

Examples of what S.T.A.R.S has funded recently include:

·      The Climbing Frame in the Playground

·      Playground markings

·      Early years outdoor play equipment

·      Extra Laptops and I-pads

·      We fund an in school pantomime or subsidise a trip to the theatre to watch a pantomime

·      Every term we donate £100 per class for new books; topic books or reading books.  


All parents are automatically members of S.T.A.R.S and all support is very much welcome whatever your skills, we can use them.   

You can get involved by:

·      Sharing your talents and ideas 

·      Come along to an event either as an Attendee or Volunteer

·      Join our lottery!   Its quick, its easy and a cost effective way for us to raise funds

·      Buy through Easy Fundraising.  

·      We run regular Make Do and Mend Days to support with grounds maintenance eg gardening  

·      Donating your old or unwanted foreign coins to the school.



The current committee is as follows:
Chair: Mr Stevens
Vice Chair: Mr Alexander-Cahill
Secretary and Communication: Mrs Wadsworth
Treasurer: Mr Finlay-Bonner