

Our School day

8.50am          School day begins

8.50am          Early learning and registration

9am               Learning session 1

10.30am        Morning break time

10.45am        Learning session 2

12.00pm        Lunch

12.30pm        Lunch break time

1.00pm          Learning session 4

2.50pm         Collective Worship

3.20pm         School day ends    


At the beginning of the school day please bring your children through the gates from the main school car park or from the pedestrian gate at the front of the school. When dry, the gates are opened at 8.30am for children to join in the Morning Mile. If wet, the children will be allowed onto the site from 8.40am when the will be able to go straight into school ready for registration promptly at 8.50am.

At the end of the school day please collect your child from the playground. The gates will be open from 3.15pm.